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The telematic voting of the General Shareholders' Meeting will be on October 18, 19 and 20

The telematic vote for the General Shareholders' Meeting that will be held on the 23rd, on the first call, and 24, on the second, will be held on this 18, 19 and 20th October, and may be carried out from the private section authorized for shareholders in Club Website The 11,000 + shareholders of 69 countries will be able to vote on the accounts presented by the Board, as well as on the need to build Sports Facilities and their location.

The voting will open on October 18, Thursday, at 10:00 in the morning, and will conclude on the 20th, Saturday, at 7:00 p.m. Depending on the number of votes, there could be a quorum, so the General Shareholders' Meeting would be held on the 23rd, the date of the first call. In such case, the Club will inform rightfully.

Voting system

First, the annual accounts will be voted, which include the budget for the 2018-2019 season, which amounts to 49 million euros, the highest in its 78-year history.

Second, you can vote on the option in which the Club's Sports Facilities will be built, being able to choose between the Azitain or Areitio option. Likewise, shareholders who do not consider this infrastructure necessary may do so by voting against both locations.

1.- Azitain - Yes or No or No opinion or White

2.- Areitio – Yes or No or No opinion or White

The shareholders will not be able to vote in favour of both locations, since, in that case, the vote would be null.

Delegation of vote

Different methods have been enabled so that the shareholders who wish may vote at the next General Meeting. They can do so in person, showing their ID / NIE in the access at the Coliseum, the place that will host the Board meeting. In case of having delegations, the shareholder must also present the DNI of the shareholder who has delegated their shares.

Also, the shareholder who cannot or does not wish to attend the Meeting, may delegate their shares to a third party through the Delegation Card, which you will find in the private section of the website, you can send the vote by email through digital signature, or through the telematic system enabled on the Club's website