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The General Shareholders' Board Meeting will be held on October 24

All the 11,000 + shareholders must vote if they are in favour of the construction of Sports Facilities and their possible location

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The General Shareholders' Board Meeting of SD Eibar will be held on Wednesday, October 24, at 7:00 p.m., at the Antzokia Coliseum. The first call is scheduled for the day before the same time.

The Board of Directors of Eibar will present to its shareholders for approval the annual accounts for the 2017-2018 season, which includes the budget for the 2018-2019 season, amounting to 49 million euros, the highest in its 78-year history.

Likewise, the Board will serve so that 11,000 + shareholders of 69 countries that have the Club vote on the need to build Sports Facilities, infrastructure that it presently lacks. The shareholders must choose their location between the two proposals presented by the Board. For this, SD Eibar has enabled the telematic system, which will allow all shareholders to vote from anywhere in the world.

All documents relating to the General Shareholders' Board Meeting of the 24th will be available for consultation in the next few days on the Company's website, in the section dedicated to shareholders .

Those shareholders that wish may download the attendance / delegation card through the same corporate website.

In order to facilitate and expedite the process of voting delegation with instructions, this can be done by sending by postal correspondence to the registered office of the Company (Ipurua Kalea nº 2, Eibar) of the Card, duly signed and completed, and of photocopy of the DNI or passport of the shareholder in the case of a natural person (in case the shareholder is a minor, the Family Book needs to be also attached) and of the documents proving the representation of the individual natural shareholder of the shareholder Card in case of legal persons with a copy of your ID or Passport; or by electronic communication sending to the Company, by email signed with the electronic DNI (DNIe) or with the recognized electronic signature of the shareholder (based on a recognized and current electronic certificate,

Documentation related to the General Shareholders' Board Meeting 2018