The Expert Course in Technical Management for Football Clubs, run by the SD Eibar Foundation and EHU–UPV has closed
Ipurua has been a pioneer and an institution of reference in the collaboration between a football club and the University
The First Expert Course in Technical Management for Football Clubs, organised by the SD Eibar Foundation in collaboration with Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea–Universidad del País Vasco (University of the Basque Country), has been closed after seven months of teaching in the training classrooms at Ipurua.
With an enrolment of 25 students, the course has been a success and has made Eibar a pioneer among the first division clubs for being the first to teach a postgraduate course with a public university within a football stadium.
This experience reinforces the commitment of the SD Eibar Foundation to training, youth and innovation.
The course was inaugurated on 28 November 2015 by the national team coach, Vicente Del Bosque and has consisted of 6 modules:
– Training and physical preparation.
– Sports Management, Rehabilitation and Grassroots football.
– Match Analysis and Talent identification.
– Sports medicine and Physiotherapy.
– Sports nutrition.
– Management, Communication and the Eibar Model.
The course has made it possible to train 25 representatives of Basque clubs, including coaches, coordinators, sports managers and technical and management staff.
SD Eibar wishes to thank EHU–UPV and the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences for their collaboration in this pioneering experience and to express its intention to return in October for the second edition of the course.