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SD Eibar Foundation takes sportswear to disadvantaged Indian community

Run in partnership with Tewo, the initiative also involves efforts to instil the club's values

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The SD Eibar Foundation has promoted the donation of sportswear as part of a social outreach programme aimed at the population of Pune, a city situated in central India which is one of the poorest in the country. The initiative is run in partnership with Tewo, a company founded by four entrepreneurs from the Mondragon Unibertistatea university.

In addition to the donation of sportswear, the SD Eibar Foundation has made on-site efforts to instil some of the club's values, a difficult task in such a poor region in which equality between men and women is non-existent and where it is frowned upon for girls to play football or even be photographed or filmed.

The Foundation sent all of the surplus kit from the Christmas Campus, along with last season's first-team kit to Pune, a city located in the state of Maharashtra, which lies around four hours from Mumbai and is home to a population of 5 million.

The Football Around project, which is led by Tewo and supported by the SD Eibar Foundation, involves working with children in countries including China, India and the United States. The scheme seeks to promote the participants' human development and aims to use football to offer an education in positive behavioural models.