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This Sunday, SD Eibar will celebrate the end of the season with a concert in Unzaga square after the game at Ipurua

With the end of the gunsmiths second season in the top division and the peace of mind that comes from facing another year in the first division the Club (Administrative Board, employees, coaching staff, players and collaborators) want to show their appreciation not only to their fans, but to the whole city of Eibar for the support they have received throughout the competition with a concert that will begin at 20:30 h and will continue until midnight.

In spite of the weather forecast for Sunday, the club wants to pay homage to its supporters through the campaign #MÓJATECONELEIBAR #PRIM3RAN, which will see 2,000 rain jackets being handed out courtesy of AVIA.

The concert will begin at 20:00 h with the local Rock ‘n Roll group The Vartools, while the players and coaching staff come from Ipurua to Unzaga square.

The second act to perform will be the band from Valladolid Celtas Cortos a very well-known group from the ‘80s and ‘90s. With almost 2 million records sold and more than 2,000 concerts played, they will now come to the Unzaga square in the heart of the city to sound their bagpipes, in a reminder to the roots of the club’s most numerous supporters club;  Eskozia La Brava (Scotland the Brave).

Juan Magán will bring the night to a close with his recognisable “Electrolatino” rhythm on a stage of spectacular dimensions with giant screens that will motivate the claret and blue tide to dance and sing in spite of the weather.

The club calls on all gunsmiths fans to take part, so it can publicly demonstrate its appreciation for their support in a concert that has been organised with the collaboration of Eibar city council.